Last Happy Meeting?


2018.03.16 #chemicals & waste #SAICM #SDGs #sustainable development

  • Second intersessional meeting for sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020

The second meeting of the intersessional process was held in Stockholm, Sweden, from 13 to 15 March 2018, hosted by the Government of Sweden. Based on the co-chairs' overview document, meeting participants focused on discussing the six elements of a possible future framework on chemicals and waste proposed in the document:

  • vision;
  • policy principles;
  • objectives and milestones;
  • implementation arrangements;
  • governance; and
  • high-level political commitment.

It is not a negotiation meeting, but rather a meeting further collecting stakeholders' opinion in order to prepare for the negotiation to be started in the third open ended working group (OEWG3) next year. That's why this meeting is called by some stakeholders as "the last happy meeting".

Robert Nurick, consultant, presented the preliminary results of the draft report of the independent evaluation of SAICM (SAICM/IP.2/4). The identified strength and weakness of SAICM in the report is very useful for the discussion.

Association 3 Herissons pay special attention on policy principles, milestones, finance mechanism and science-policy interface.

Discussion results are compiled in the co-host paper. Please refer to the official website and the ENB report for more details.